
The dream to big fish




「スリットの深さはどのくらいですか」と僕は質問すると、「深さは、5〜6mで、溝が長く伸びています」「1度、20〜30m外側に出てから、ゆっくりと根に入ります」 GTフィッシングの初心者に、投げやすい船首へ行ってもらい、ぼくは前から3番目からキャストを始めた。








"to fish big fish"

I plans to lose nobody in ardent love of wanting to fish big fish. It may be disappointed about writing from now on being too fundamental. It is because training of not a thing like a health drink with swift attack nature but the honest body and pursuit of maintenance, technique, or fishing tackle are called for.The word "sprit-strength-technique" is in sumo wrestling. When it is going to aim at and fish big fish, these three elements become important. Although it is introduction and a natural thing, it is foundations that the body is healthy for "big fish being aimed at." Further, the body is trained by training etc. and to maintain is required. For example, you never miss training of a common muscle for the instantaneous power for throwing lure and a prolonged fight. You must also consider the muscles used by marine lure fishing (they are GT, an amberjack, and tunas by jigging or casting) so that training of the player of land and a weight raising may be different.                                             

"Technique” can be divided into two." One is Body technology such as casting and a fight, and other is fishing tackle. As for body technology, you are good to often study the video (one's favorite style) of important figure fishing, and to carry out a repetitive simulation. Please remember that time, supposing you have encountered big fish. Moreover, you have not encountered yet need to imagine, looking at the video regarded as this.

Next, the rod suitable for yourself is chosen. (However, it changes by physical strength, improvement in body technology, or fall.)

You will also be good to consult with the salesclerk of a fishing tackle store who can trust it, if you are difficult to choose suitable rod for yourself. What you must be careful of a rod is the same as that of a bat, if it says on baseball. As you can’t sway too heavy bat, a too hard rod becomes the origin of an injury. If you are a beginner, you are good choice for slight shortness and a soft rod than you consider ideal rod. And reasonableness is not in your body.

If you fish big fish with you use the rod of the exaggerated power which does not suit the body, an angler's own damage is unfathomable. And since it will drag big fish by boat, big fish also dies more often. It becomes “body at death” as used in the field of sumo wrestling. Even if it catches special big fish, insipidness remains in your heart. Probably the shortcut to big fish will you don’t choose impossible rod.

Moreover, the length of a rod is also important. Let's assume "the principle of a lever" of the fulcrum, the emphasis, and the acting point learned in time of the science of an elementary school with a fight with a fish. A bat end is Fulcrum A, the position of an angler's hand is Emphasis B, and the pole point is the acting point C (strictly speaking fish which is in the direction of the line extended from there).

When drug setting power is F, the power R which an angler supports by B points is distance-in-a-straight-line between AC÷between distance-in-a-straight-line /AB x F in the state where the rod has bent.

formula R = AC / AB x F

It explains simply. Let's consider a rod in the state where it stood to some extent For example, that drug setting power is 5kg, the distance from a bat end to the tip is 1m 50cm, the distance from a bat end to the position of a hand is 50cm, Load to your hand is applied 15kg. Calculation of 30kg is realized in 10kg drag.

In practice, although it changes by the moment of power, a resultant and the angle of the line from the tip, the angle of a rod, the fight method, etc., it becomes so advantageous that distance of a fulcrum and an acting point will be shortened if it says roughly. If this is transposed to a rod, although it will become a short rod or a soft rod, the performance of a rod is more complicated involving the elastic power which a rod has.

If it is 10kg of reel drug setup of the rod which appeared in the example, to an angler, 30kg uncanny load will attack at the moment of a fish being caught. If you caught big fish, since this load will continue a long time, an angler receives a remarkable damage. That is, the power of fight with fish (ability) = drug setting (power) x fight time (time which you applied power with a fish). Since big fish is strong, fight time becomes long. That is, probably, it will be good to utilize, when your lifting capability and self-sustaining time are calculated and face to face is stood against big fish.

Moreover, it becomes the fish from which the same big fish is also different by whether it brings near by the boat, or it drags about by the boat, or the boat is stopped.





5秒後、魚もスーッと2〜3mあっけなく浮いた。「間に合ったか」思ったとき、「水深15m! 少しずつ深くなって行きます」と工藤さんの声が響いた。つまりこの船に付いている全方位魚探が、これからボートの動く進行方向の地形を、捕らえているわけである。






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In order to fish big fish, since natural conditions, such as a kind (swims in a sea surface or dive or fly) of power of a fish, depth of water, existence of structure, a wind, and tide, are also considered.

So, if you want to remain recollections of fight with fish, you need to discerned your own physical strength potential calmly and you need compensate insufficient part with training.

The drug arrangement and rod suitable for themselves are a relation unseparable even if it cuts. Aiming at and fishing big fish is analyzing one's capability scientifically, choosing a tackle and raising physical potential by training.

.And you are going to fish to the place in which big fish's is actually present after you.polishe the technology captured in your own favorite fight theory.

Then everything but "sprit-strength-technique" -- an element with mental "fate, intuition, and root", and “topography of ocean floor, temperature, the weather, tide, and time," -- the earth physical element, and cooperation of the fishing friend and the capability of the boat also including a captain's ability itself are also added.

When they unify, you can fish big fish.

If you don’t take care about superfluous training when you train, the body will be broken on the contrary.

The foundations of the present training hurt their muscular cell, and it has placed for the purpose of recovering it and making it stronger muscles. Therefore, I recommend beginning, after consulting with the trainer of a gym. Let's do not make training extremely strong from the start, but it should aim at improvement gradually.

The same of the word "Unreasonableness is a prohibited thing." is said of the training of big fish fishing.

Moreover, also by casting or jigging when you carry out fishing usually, if you carry out preparing breathing (you breath out when putting in power, and breathing is not stopped), even light lure can train inner muscle(small muscles inside bodily).

This time, I think that having forgotten to write will write to some opportunities.

When big fish is caught, I distinguish two, a hot portion and a calm portion, clearly, and make them live together in the head. I pull out the capability of bodily muscles in a hot portion, and do exact directions and time management in a calm portion. And I am in contact with many big fish. In order to fish the big fish which is not understood when it encounters, it is not necessary to say that there is maintenance of the posture and physical strength potential to daily fishing indispensably. The efforts to honest "body, technique, tackle" are just the shortcuts that fish big fish.




Suzuki Fumio -an extract from the Janualy 03’

 number of magazine “salt world” –